Predictive Performance™
Elevating Healthcare
At Arena Labs, we’ve pioneered Predictive Performance™ to bring cutting-edge performance science into healthcare.
What Is Predictive Performance™?
In 2002, the Oakland Athletics Major League baseball team – despite one of the lowest payrolls in the MLB – achieved stunning success using a player-focused strategy that harnessed advancements in data collection and analytics. Their 20 game win streak and unlikely playoff appearance became known as “Moneyball” and altered the course of professional sports.
The “Moneyball” model was made possible by the convergence in data, performance science and technology that changed how professional sports would measure performance, mitigate risk and win.

But the convergence of the science human physiology (sleep, rest, cognition) and data is not just changing sports, it’s changing life-saving industries:
• 2003: US Department of Transportation overalls “Hours of Service” regulations to account for the role of sleep deprivation in accidents.
• 2013: In the toll of a decade of war, the US Special Operations Command establishes the Preservation of the Force and Family initiative to focus on physiological, physical and social factors of health for Operators.
• 2014: Federal Aviation Administration mandates limits flight time to 9 hour domestically, with a minimum of 10 hours of rest before any “Flight Duty Period”
We are living in the era of “Predictive Performance” where unprecedented investments are being made into technology for individual data insights in order to optimize the human system, for better team and organizational performance.
The best teams in the world drive success based on the ability to measure and improve physical, mental, and emotional well-being at the individual level. Why doesn’t healthcare?
Real Results

Join the revolution in healthcare performance.
Predictive Performance™ is transforming the way clinicians work, helping them flourish while providing the best care possible.
Ready to transform your hospital?
Implementing Arena Strive is simple and scalable. Our partnership process ensures that you have a clear understanding of the expected outcomes, from enhanced team performance to improved patient care.
Ready to pursue a higher standard at your institution?
Contact us to discuss pricing options and how Arena Strive can support your institution’s unique needs. We’ll work with you to create a solution that delivers the greatest value to your team and your patients.