Practical Tools Tailored for the Real-World Challenges of Healthcare
Healthcare is not the only field asked to serve in a high-stress, high-stakes environment.
We have compiled the best science-based practices proven in the military, elite sports and the creative arts to design a unique curriculum tailored for you, on the frontlines of healthcare.
Since founding Arena Labs in 2017, we have worked with thousands of clinicians and learned that no matter where someone serves in healthcare – a physician, nurse, advanced care practitioner or technologist – there are a clear set of common challenges that you face.
Our team has distilled that insight into our “Foundations” learning journey where clinicians explore the nine most common challenges seen in healthcare. Each challenge is accompanied by three science-backed tools proven out not only in literature, but in other high-stress fields. Over the course of the Arena Strive experience, users select at least three Challenges, giving them a total of 9 immediately actionable tools for managing stress, improving recovery, and optimizing performance.
8 Week Learning Journey
Kick off the journey designed to equip you with tools to tackle healthcare’s common challenges.
Introduction to Human Performance
- Destress Breath
- Light Exposure
- Hydration
Three Pillars of Flourishing
Regulate Stress
- Adjusting Exhale Length
- Shoulder Roll
- Panoramic Vision
- Box Breath
- Visualization
- Cold
- Transition protocol
- Self Debrief
- Mindfulness
- Consistency
- Cold, Dark, Quiet
- Meal Timing
- Light Restriction
- Shift Wake up Time
- Active Recovery
- Time in Nature
- Precision with Alcohol
- Hip & Back Release
- Food as Fuel
- Exercise Snacks
- Gratitude
- Connect Authentically
- Find your Third Thing
- Self Talk
- Identify & Live your Values
- Prioritize What Matters Now

Learn On Your Own Time
Our modules are accessible anytime, allowing clinicians to integrate human performance strategies into their routines – no matter what your shift or call schedule looks like. Whether it’s improving sleep or managing stress, our curriculum makes learning simple and effective.
Built for Clinicians, Backed by Science
We deliver strategies that are proven to work in high-pressure environments, but also firmly supported by literature. Clinicians learn to use tools to manage their energy and recovery, with clear and practical applications customized to a life in the hospital.